Bicycles on Sale! Closeouts! Reduced Prices!
You are on the right page if you are looking for a great deal on a low priced, high quality bicycle. Some of these bikes we bought on closeout, and we can offer you a great deal. Some of these bikes may have just sat around too long and we want to get rid of them. Sometimes the new model year changes dramatically, and we want to close a bike out with low pricing to encourage a fast sale. There's lots of reasons a great bicycle may go on sale. Well, if you want to know about the best deals on bicycles in our bike shop here in State College PA, then bookmark this page and keep an eye on things. You may also want to check out our Used Bikes, too. Stop down anytime to check them out as well, our used bikes are parked right in front of our store on E College Ave, near Penn State Campus.
2014 Jamis Dakar XCT Comp 19" On sale now! Reg. $2400 Sale price $2000 - Sep 29, 2015 8:21:58 PM
2013 Jamis Dragon 650b Trail MTB - Mar 20, 2014 4:19:48 PM
2012 Kona Roundabout on sale now only $750 (MSRP $1000) - Jun 27, 2013 6:51:4 PM