Jamis Size Specific Tubing (SST) on Bicycle Frames
Post date: Dec 23, 2014 4:58:17 PM
SST means Size Specific Tubing, and SST is one of the reasons why a Jamis Bicycle rides so nice, especially for different size riders. With SST, Jamis really sets itself apart from a lot of other bicycle manufacturers. A frame designed with SST is going to feel right for every size of rider. But what is SST?
The benefits of a properly fitted bike have been recognized for years. It is essential for injury prevention and maximized efficiency. And it is the primary determinant in assuring the greatest comfort and enjoyment while riding. Back in 1988, Jamis designers were working closely with Bill Farrell, inventor of the first bike-sizing tool, the Fit Kit. Jamis learned from Bill that tweaking the tube diameters and wall thicknesses of the frame's tubing has a large effect on the ride quality of the frame for different sized riders.
Slight changes in tube diameter have a significant impact on performance. As the diameter increases, strength and stiffness increase along the length of the tube as well. By varying the cross section and sometimes even the wall thickness, Jamis can fine-tune the performance and comfort characteristics of each frame size. SST optimizes ride quality and assures the lightest possible weight for each frame size. SST enables Jamis to produce a bike that not only fits like a glove and handles precisely, but accelerates and climbs explosively and offers just-right compliance for every rider, every frame size.